My Story

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Seda YEKELER is a linguist, philanthropist, educator, and global advocate for teaching foreign languages to disadvantaged children. As the chair of SEYEV Foundation, she shapes and approves the foundation’s strategies, reviews results, and sets the organization’s and schools’ overall direction by establishing language laboratories. She works with grantees and partners to further the foundation’s goal of improving equity in Turkish education and around the world.

Through her work at the foundation over more than a decade, YEKELER has seen firsthand that empowering especially women and children can bring about transformational improvements in the Turkish education system and in all communities and societies. Her work has led her to increasingly focus on foreign language acquisition as a path to meaningful change in the education system.

Yekeler is also the founder of Seda Yekeler Language and Culture Company, an investment and incubation company working to develop digital language systems by using artificial intelligence, and she is the author of the bestselling book SEN DE KONUŞABİLİRSİN, which introduces readers to the inspiration of learning new languages. 

SEYEV is the only language charity organization in the world.

She worked at institutions such as the Contractors Association of Turkey and Ankara Bar Association shortly. Due to the English grammar education she had during the years she was in university, her desire to teach, which started in her heart and never stopped, outweighed her translator and interpreter identity. In 2007, she founded the SY Language And Culture Academy, which she set out to help those who want to learn foreign languages effectively. In the Academy, it is aimed to teach the language together with its culture by applying a personalised method, continues to host those who are willing to ‘’acquire a language’’ today. After her thesis on foreign language learning of dyslexic children, she continues to contribute to the foreign language acquisition of these children by improving her work in this field. Believing that language inadequacy can cause deficiencies in certain areas of life, she also Works for those working in the health sector. Her goal is to enable healthcare professionals to understand medical texts in English better and write their own articles without the need for a translator.

She believes that a foreign language, which has been put before us only as a lesson for years, is not an element to be learned, but an element to be acquired, and it makes a great contribution to one for opening up to the world. As a result of her studies on this subject, she gives academic education in English and French with the YEK Method system. As founding president of Seda Yekeler Education Foundation (SEYEV), she believes that Turkey should make a serious reform of foreign language acquisition and with works she carries out to save our people from the ‘’I understand, but I can’t speak’’ problem, she continues to organise courses and seminars both for foreign language teachers and business world.

She has many publications, books, and translations, and her last book has been selected “The educational book of the year.” Also, she has been awarded by being one of 100 Educators who has created a difference in their own countries in terms of education.

"When you follow the world with the language it speaks, your angle of view will be limitless."

Seda Yekeler

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